Unit 4-06: Queer Games: Treating LGBTQ Gamblers

Gambling has the lure of helping LGBTQ individuals feel “normal” and get dopamine highs.

Price: $10.00


1 CE





Recommended for

Mental Health Professionals

Class Instructor

Dr. Gary Lange

Lesbian, gays, bisexuals, transgender and questioning “queers” feel some discrimination and subsequent anger, depression and shame. The “queer” label may not be pejorative but this entire group tends to have higher rates of all addictions. Gambling has the lure of helping them feel “normal” and get dopamine highs. Treating gays and transgender individuals, their spouses, parents, children and families often have concomitant issues and co-morbid disorders. Treatment issues include: mistrust, isolation and past abuse. Therapists need to be sensitive to the “LGBTQ culture” and tailor treatment strategies that is appropriate and effective.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

  • Learn three LGBTQ culture issues as they relates to problem gambling;
  • Identify four co-morbid psychological, addictive and abuse issues of this minority;
  • Learn two ways to empathize with the LGBTQ group to quickly alleviate problematic symptoms and implement more effective treatment techniques in working with LGBTQ clients and their families;
  • Review 12 Effective treatment techniques in working with LGBTQ clients and their families.

Unit Outline:

  • LGBTQ is the acronym for what?
  • Learn common LGBTQ maturation issues.
  • Review treatment issues for LGBTQ gamblers and their families.

Class Content