Unit 4-05: Gambling Disorder and the Potential Violent Consequences

Understand the violent consequences and suicidal ideology of gambling addiction.

Price: $10.00


1 CE





Recommended for

Mental Health Professionals

Class Instructor

Robby Fuqua

When compared to other addictions, those suffering from gambling disorder are viewed by many as an “underserved population.” The limited public awareness and resources can result in noticeably lower awareness levels and treatment options, yet gambling addiction has been linked to higher rates of suicide and other violent behaviors. These factors must be considered when treating a gambling disorder in order to protect those suffering from the condition, as well as their families and community.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

  • Know the definition(s) of violence;
  • Understand 3 types of violent consequences that can result from problem gambling;
  • Know 3 characteristics (or conditions) of gambling addiction that can be connected to potential violent behaviors;
  • Know 2 types of treatment interventions used for violent and problem gambling behaviors.

Unit Outline:

  • Starting with the Basics/Definitions
  • Types of Violence and Gambling Disorder
  • Potential Connection(s)
  • Intervention/Assessment/Treatment

Class Content