Unit 2-14: Mindfulness and Problem Gambling

The basics of mindfulness, and how it can be successfully implemented into treatment plans.

Price: $10.00


1 CE





Recommended for

Mental Health Professionals

Class Instructor

Mindfulness principles have now become mainstream in our society and are successfully implemented in many different areas of our communities. In addition, research has shown mindfulness-based interventions to be successful for several mental health disorders including addictions. The non-striving essence of practicing mindfulness caters to treating many of the symptoms inherent in all addictions, such as loss of control, preoccupation and poor impulse control. Learn the basics of mindfulness and how it can be successfully implemented into treatment plans targeted for gambling disorder and problem gambling behaviors.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

  • Know three myths connected to mindfulness;
  • Understand the two components of mindfulness;
  • Learn the seven principles of mindfulness;
  • Understand the four mechanisms of mindfulness

Unit Outline:

  • Defining Mindfulness
  • Mindful Practice
  • Mindfulness and Problem Gambling
  • Research and Case Studies

Class Content