Unit 1-01: Introduction to Problem Gambling

Learn how gambling is similar to alcohol and chemical dependencies, and expand your gambling vocabulary.

Price: $10.00


1 CE




Required for CCGC

Recommended for

Mental Health Professionals

Class Instructor

Marc Lefkowitz

During this hour-long unit, we will provide a cultural background of gambling, including its history and expansion. We will examine the types of gamblers and various forms of gambling, and understand how gambling has integrated itself into American society.

Participants will learn how gambling is similar to alcohol and chemical dependencies, and will expand their vocabulary to include terminology pertaining to problem gambling and gambling disorder.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

  • Identify types of gamblers and forms of gambling;
  • Understand the progression of gambling disorder;
  • Understand the differences between pathological gambling (DSM-IV) and disordered gambling (DSM-V)

Unit Outline:

  • California Certified Gambling Counselor Components
  • History of Gambling including Key Dates
  • Availability for Gambling in California
  • Types of Gamblers
  • DSM-IV
  • Problem Gambling Prevalence
  • Similarities/Differences with Alcohol/Substance Abuse Disorder
  • Custer’s Gambling Progression
  • DSM-5 (including criteria)

Class Content